Ok so it has been forever since I blogged (sorry, I need to make it a priority) so I am going to try and do a quick catch up for everyone. Here is my life in bullet point since June....
* My mom left my dad and moved into an "assisted living place". She is seeing their long time friend. We have all been fighting all summer, spying on her, listening to my dad go completely insane and possibly into the frame of mind to hurt himself, and I have been having nervous breakdowns routinely.
* I moved into a new house. We moved in mid July to a 2000sqft split foyer home and LOVE it here.
We have double the room we had, the girls have an entire basement to play in and THE YARD IS HUGE
(this is only a partial pic from the deck)
* We now have 2 kittens who are about 6mo old now. They are twins as far as we can tell. Their names are Ash (because he was found in a burned down house) and Braveheart (because after being found in the fire, he was the most brave with humans) They are all black with yellow eyes and are the perfect halloween cats.
Ash at about 3 mos
Braveheart at about 4 mos.
* The girls started school. G started 1st grade and is already reading chapter books. Right now she is devouring the Junie B. Jones series and since getting them on Tues, has read 3 full books! (today is the following Monday) I am so proud of her. She loved riding her school bus. She made a little friend down the street and they all play together as much as we parents will allow it haha. My little A started pre school too. She loves it every day and has already been on a field trip on the school bus with her class. That was such a great to her. We went to the local apple farm and picked apples. She had a blast.
1st day of 1st grade for G
A at the apple farm enjoying the fruit of her labor.
*My brother and I are kind of talking again. I had a long chat with his wife about how I felt the day he yelled at me and she told me where it all came from. Apparently since I was born and he was 14, my parents have over looked him and paid all attention to me. As a baby and child this was understandable, but what I didnt realize till now is that they continued to do this as I aged to adulthood. Soooo I guess all the frustration of this came out on me at once and tho it was not my fault that they treated him this way, I cannot help but feel guilty about how he has felt since I came into the picture. We moved past it and ,while what he said before still hurts me now like it did then, I am at a place to understand and look past it. Thank GOD.
*We got a new puppy. Yes I know, we have a zoo. Although we ADORE our border collie/brittany spaniel mix and he is the BEST dog in the world...he is not exactly intimidating when you come in the house uninvited. Being that J works so much and many of those shifts are overnights, we wanted something a little more ferocious looking to deter anyone from coming in. We adopted a doberman./german shepherd mix. She is still learning and is a large point of frustration for me right now....but IF we can get her house broken we will keep her and she will be a great dog. Her name is Pixie (yes I know, ironic since she will be 70-90lbs) and she is 14 weeks old right now.
Pixie the day we got her.
* Lastly, J and I are thinking about becoming active in the youth group at our church. We helped with an activity they did last week (Amazing Race type scavenger hunt) and we both had soooo much fun. J drove a team and I held a challenge station. Afterwards, J decided that he wanted to talk to our pastor and ask about becoming a leader in the group. We start this Wednesday at their weekly bible study and are so excited to begin. We both connect so well with teens and can't wait to help shape them into young adults. J says the first thing he wants to do is sponsor a camping outing at the lake our family owns. We are working on it and are hoping for a bonfire, fishing, 4wheeling weekend with the youth. Its a work in progress but would be so awesome if we can get it done.
The family lake
Ok so there you have it, my life in a bunch of nutshells since my last blog. Hopefully I can keep this more current and not have to update everyone on such a large scale next time. Have a great rest of Sept.
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